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The most important official orders within the academic year 2016 – 2017 will be announced here.
Some tips and information regarding academic publication is presented here. This includes concepts and understanding how to do academic publication in general and in particular at University of Zakho.
The “research publications” is defined as books, book chapters, journal articles and/or conference publications which are the result of research activity. Research publications follow three golden rules and fall into three main categories.
The golden rules are:
1. First past the post: The winner is the first to publish in an outlet appropriate to the field.
2. Peer review: If it’s not peer-reviewed, it’s not worth anything.
3. Prestige determines acceptance rate: The prestige of the outlet where the publication appears will determine your chances of getting in. Prestigious outlets get to reject many submissions (sometimes over 90%), thus maintaining their exclusivity.
1. Journal paper: For extended works, intended to report completed work and form a serious addition to the record of knowledge in a field. Journal papers can take months or even years to write.
2. Conference paper: Shorter than journal papers; reports work where the results have reached a stage where confidence is high that they are correct. May be a prelude to a follow-up journal publication. Usually accompanied by an oral presentation during the conference. A conference paper can usually be written in a few days or weeks.
3. Conference/workshop poster: Literally, a large single sheet of paper on a wall. The presenter stands in front of the poster during a set time window during the conference and explains it to passers-by. Often used to report late-breaking results, or work where the results are tentative or not yet available. A poster can often be put together very quickly from existing material. The poster itself will not form a part of the permanent record – only the title and abstract are recorded.
Elsevier Journal Finder
If you would like to publish your paper in one of the journal that belong to Elsevier publisher, the Elsevier Journal Finder would consider a good start. It helps you find journals that could be best suited for publishing your scientific article. Adding to that you also have to consult the journal’s Aims and Scope for further guidance. Elsevier Journal Finder uses smart search technology and field-of-research specific vocabularies to match your article to Elsevier journals. Explore it.
Journal Suggester
This is another service provided by Springer publisher. It suggest a suitable journal for your articles. The Springer’s journal matching technology finds relevant journals based on your manuscript details. Journalsuggester Link.
EndNote Web
Thomson Reuters (TR) journals are the most prestige journal. To find a suitable TR journal that fits your article using a search engine technique, use My EndNote Web option. EndNote Web is an online service that allows you to store, share and organize your citations so that you can access them from any computer. First create an account at My EndNote Web (Figure 1). After creating your account, sign in and you will have your own page at EndNote (Figure 2). Researcher can get several benefit from EndNote portal; however, here we focus on one option which is Match tab (Figure 3).
Further Help: Creating EndNote account